Bubble bouquet

Bubble bouquet

88,500 FCFA

The Bubble Bouquet is a unique floral masterpiece, carefully composed and presented in a water bubble. It provides a prolonged and unforgettable floral experience, captivating the heart of its recipient. It is the ideal gift to express your most sincere feelings.

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The Bubble Bouquet is a true floral masterpiece that will charm all the senses and amaze its recipient. Carefully composed, this unique bouquet is a true explosion of color and freshness.

Imagine a harmonious blend of green santini, white daisy, pink and white roses, which blend together perfectly to create a floral symphony of unparalleled beauty. Each flower is carefully chosen, guaranteeing exceptional quality and remarkable longevity.

But what makes this bouquet even more special is its unique presentation in a water bubble. This innovative technique allows flowers to remain hydrated and vibrant for several days, providing a prolonged and unforgettable floral experience.

Offering the Bubble Bouquet means offering much more than a simple bouquet of flowers. It’s offering a true moment of happiness, sweetness and wonder. Whether for a birthday, a special occasion or simply to please, this bouquet will captivate the heart of its recipient and remind them how precious they are.

So, look no further, the Bubble Bouquet is the ideal gift to express your most sincere feelings and make the eyes of your loved ones shine. Let yourself be seduced by this exceptional floral creation and offer a dazzling smile to those you love.

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