Super Mom

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The Super Maman bouquet is an exquisite gift composed of magnificent red roses and pink spray roses, presented in an elegant transparent box. It symbolizes love and passion, expressing all the tenderness towards your mother. Each flower is carefully chosen and assembled by our expert florists, ensuring a long lifespan. The transparent box allows your mother to contemplate the beauty of the flowers as soon as she opens the gift. Offering this bouquet is offering a symbol of love, recognition and gratitude to your mother. It's showing her how valuable she is and how much you appreciate everything she does. The Super Mom bouquet is the ideal gift to express all your love and admiration for your mom.

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The Super Maman product is an exquisite bouquet that will delight your mother and show her how special she is. Featuring gorgeous red roses and pink spray roses, this bouquet is presented in an elegant clear box, adding a touch of sophistication to this already sumptuous gift.

Red roses symbolize love and passion, expressing all the tenderness you feel towards your mother. Pink branch roses, for their part, bring a touch of softness and delicacy, reflecting the beauty and grace of your mother.

This bouquet is carefully arranged by our expert florists, who ensure that each flower is carefully chosen and assembled in a harmonious manner. Each petal is brilliantly fresh, ensuring a long life for this precious gift.

The transparent box adds an extra dimension to this already enchanting bouquet. It allows your mother to contemplate the beauty of the flowers as soon as she opens the gift, creating a unique and memorable visual experience.

Offering the Super Maman bouquet means offering much more than just a bouquet of flowers. It is offering a symbol of love, recognition and gratitude to the one who has always been there for you. It's showing her how valuable she is and how much you appreciate everything she does.

Look no further, the Super Maman product is the ideal gift to express all your love and admiration for your mother. Make her happy by giving her this exceptional bouquet that will brighten her day and remind her what a great mom she is.

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